3 Calculated Considerations To Choose Between Wood And Polymer Plantation Shutters

Many homeowners love the idea of plantation shutters because of the uniform look and enhanced kerb appeal they provide to the entire property. If you've made the decision to install these types of shutters in your home, your next step is to consider the kind of material you need. These calculated considerations will guide your choice between wood and polymer materials for your home.

Aesthetic Appearance – The Look You Want To Create For Your Home

When it comes to aesthetic appearance, it's hard to compare to the natural grain and colour variations brought forth by timber, especially if you're looking for country-cottage style appeal for your home. The warmth of natural wood is a stunning addition to most homes, which is why it's a well-loved material. On the other hand, polymer plantation shutters bring a sense of sleekness that can add massive appeal to a newer, more modern home. If you're looking for a smooth and uniform finish, then polymer works well for you. But if you want to emphasise natural appeal, then wood is an excellent choice for your home's windows.

Budget – The Price You Can Afford To Pay

Budget plays a key role in the decision making process. Wood is a gorgeous addition, but it is also more expensive than budget-friendlier polymer shutters. Polymer shutters will cost you $220 per square metre, while timber starts from $300 per square metre and will go upwards depending on the type of wood you choose for your home. Polymer is a durable and tough material despite its lower cost, which is why many homeowners with limited budgets may prefer this option. 

Colour Or Staining Choices – The Finish You Desire For Your Windows

There's little to differentiate between the two when it comes to this aspect because both wood and polymer come with an array of finishing options to suit your particular taste and preference. For example, you can paint both wood and polymer any colour you desire if you're looking for a painted finish to suit your existing décor. Keep in mind that wood may require repainting after a little while, while polymer tends to hold on to paint colour for longer. If you're looking for a natural wood stain appearance, then timber is the better option for you. You can get customised stain finishes to match your furniture, cabinetry and trims for a homogenous appearance.

Choosing between timber and polymer requires careful consideration; so don't be in a hurry to make your decision. Take the time to consider all these factors to get it right.  

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Harold's Home Improvement Blog

Hello! My name is Harold. This is my home improvement blog. I hope that this blog will help you to understand the best way to improve your property. Making a few small changes to your property can really improve your quality of life. For example, when I moved my kitchen counter closer to the oven, it made it so much easier when I was handling hot dishes. I also had some steps put into my garden on the slope so that my older friends could walk up and down the garden with ease. I hope my blog inspires you. Enjoy!



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